Whew! Another Cup has come and gone, and I can’t help but let out a sigh of relief while looking back on the weekend. Maybe that’s because I was holding my breath for the majority of the weekend, but more likely, I’m just tired. Before we get to the details of the match though, I need to say my Thank You’s. First, THANK YOU to all of the shooters and spectators that attended. It can’t be said enough just how much of the success of this event is owed to the word of mouth advertising. The way shooters that have been coming to the Cup since the inception four years ago talk about the event now is a testament. I spent a lot of the weekend interviewing shooters, and the praise was humbling. Whether you traveled a long way, or just down the road, if you made it out in any capacity…please know that you have my utmost gratitude. Your attendance and support are what allow us to continue putting more and more into the Cup and it’s what pushes our vendors/sponsors to maintain and increase their support year after year. On that same note, THANK YOU to all of the incredible sponsors that support the event. Feinwerkbau, Umarex, Walther, Weihrauch, H&N, JSB/Predator International, Diana, AirForce, Air Arms, Hawke, Leapers/UTG, Hatsan, ASG and Swab-Its. I don’t believe the event would have the draw it does (especially for newer shooters) without your donations and support. The prizes, raffle items, and swag-bag giveaways all contribute to making the Cup a first class event. And last, but most certainly not least, THANK YOU to my fellow employees that contribute in more ways than I can describe to making the event what it is. Thank you for the tireless effort and support you’ve given to the event, the competitors and the company.

The Cup officially started for the PA crew on Thursday the 24th. We head down to Tusco to set up everything. Tusco Rifle Club is not our FT club’s normal shooting location, so this requires a large effort from both our FT club (OAFTSA) and the PA staff. With the targets prepped and painted, the hard part comes in laying out the range and FT courses. I was really pleased with the layout and feedback from our courses last year. We had an open course on one of the ranges and a more wooded course down in a valley area of Tusco that was normally unused. However, this layout meant a lot of walking for shooters and more running for me. The choice had been made to use a brand new range for the 2017 Cup, Tusco’s 300 meter main range. This range is normally used for silhouette shoots and is very well maintained. But because of some of the space constraints, we were only able to fit a total of 26 lanes (13 per course) on the range. This meant a 104 shot match. The layout would be similar to a World Championship match where the courses are supposed to run together. Meaning you have two courses (Red and White in our case) and they run lane 1 red, lane 1 white, lane 2 red, lane 2 white and so on. This is nice because you get to mingle with shooters from other classes that you likely wouldn’t get to spend time with at other matches with two separate courses.

We shot across the range, which put the targets over 45 yards on this nice berm that made for some interesting target placements. Knowing the course would be largely in the open, I set them on the easy side of the allowed troyer scale at 28.6T for the red course and 28.4T for the white course. Most of the shooters had one of two reactions when hearing what the Troyer figures were for the courses, the first was a look of shock followed by “NO WAY” and maybe an expletive or two. The second was a look of disappointment and depression accompanied by no words, not because they wanted a harder course, but because they were getting their butt kicked by the course. Over the years at Tusco I have learned to allow for one thing when setting a course, and that is lots of wind. The forecast didn’t call for much wind, but after set up, I knew that wouldn’t be the case. The wind was whipping through the range with unpredictable gusts. You could stand at the firing line and feel zero wind then look at the trees on the berm 50 yards away and see nothing but waving leaves and bending branches. I made a joke to Rossi (host of American Airgunner) at one point during the first day of the competition, that I was telling folks I wasn’t shooting because I wanted to give them a chance. In reality, I was glad I wasn’t shooting…at least in those tricky winds. It’s usually great experience but very humbling. And I believe the scores reflect that. The red course featured 38% of the targets over 40 yards while the white course had 42% over 40 yards, coupled with the wind, this is where the course took its toll on most shooters.

We got everything set in relatively short order and returned on Friday morning greeted by many familiar faces and plenty of new ones. In total, we had over 108 registrants for the Cup this year. A few last minute cancellations, and we ended up right at 100 with no shows factored in. 96 of those shooters were signed up for the FT match. As shooters checked in and headed to the sight in range, I spent some time talking with old friends and looking at the equipment shooters brought with them. We had an extremely diverse group of shooters from all over the country. States/territories represented include: OH, IL, PA, WI, WV, NJ, NY, CT, MA, MD, CA, AZ, TN, AR, GA, NC, VA, MI, MN, FL, ME, IN, KY, IA, CO, TX, and Puerto Rico. At 2pm the Payday challenge started, and this year we changed things up from years past. We used the Air Arms T200 10m PCP rifle with aperture sights for 3 FT targets at 10 yards. Each shooter took two shots at each of the three targets, each with a different kill zone size. The first was the easiest with a 1.5” KZ, then a 1” KZ and finally a tiny ½” KZ. And of course, in true 10m fashion, all shots had to be taken standing. You received 1 point for knocking over the first target, 2 points for the second target and 3 points for the third. The shooter with the most points after all competitors had shot takes home $200. After everyone had taken their shots and all was said and done, David Slade (famed airgun tuner and former US National FT Champ) was the winner with 9 points out of 12. Well done David!

As the day wound down, the attention shifted to the FT match the next morning, and when the sun finally rose, there was a crisp chill on the air. It felt like a superb fall morning, As I put a final round of lube on the targets and double checked everything, competitors began to roll in and sight in their guns. Thankfully, the wind was quite calm which allowed many competitors to get a good read on how their equipment was doing, but the cold temps definitely left some shooters changing things around. This is one of the great conundrums an FT shooter faces during a sight in session, to change things or not to change them. In a lot of ways, you’re damned if you do, and damned if you don’t. It always helps to remember where you were hitting in those cooler temps, knowing things are bound to warm up as the match continues. But sometimes, if you don’t take note and don’t make changes, you’re left helpless when you start shooting the match. We gathered everyone for the shooters meeting and went over safety and the usual run through of how things should go. After calling the squads and distributing the score cards, the squads made their way to their respective lanes and the shooting began. As a match director, the first lane or so is the most troublesome time of a match as this is when you find out if there are major target malfunctions or not. There was one string that got hooked up on a target early, but other than that, things went smoothly. I took my first sigh of relief at that point. The day went on smoothly and we conducted lots of shooter interviews and talked to shooters both new and experienced. One of the best parts of the Cup for me, is watching and helping out new shooters as they go. I always try to pair new shooters with more experienced folks that can help them out. They quickly find that FT shooters are super friendly and more than willing to help a fellow competitor out. It’s an awesome camaraderie that keeps folks coming back with smiles on their faces.

As shooters started coming off the line and turning in scores, I saw some impressive numbers. David Slade and Neil Younggren turned in 47/52 for the high score in WFTF PCP, Will Piatt put up a superb 48 in Open PCP, followed closely by Brian Van Liew with a 47. Tom Himes put in a stellar 46 in Hunter PCP, to take a commanding lead over Mike Schultz and his brother Dennis Himes, both on 43. On the piston side, Nathan Thomas put up a 40 to take a one point lead over Steve English in WFTF. In Hunter, 2016 champ Paul Manktelow took a dominant lead over the field with a 37. Many of the shooters struggled with winds that you can’t see as the range is mowed very low and between your rifle and the tree/berm line, things can be quite mysterious. There are very few shots that are straight forward on the two courses and with so many long shots, things quickly become a battle of the mind. Keeping your composure and reading the wind are paramount at the Cup and the names at the top of the score sheets did it the best.

The competitors broke for lunch, which was served in Tusco’s main clubhouse which has a full kitchen and we set up vendors in there as well. Each time I went in, I saw many competitors talking with folks from Hawke, UTG/Leapers, H&N, Predator International (JSB Importer) and Diana. It’s great to have sponsors actually on site to talk to users of their product. And the sponsors enjoy the opportunity to discuss their product with the users themselves. I should also mention that the weather was absolutely phenomenal! We were blessed with temps in the high 70s and nothing but sunshine. Sadly for competitors, the wind did creep in towards the early afternoon hours, but I can tell you as someone watching and not shooting….that breeze was incredibly cooling as the sun pounded down.

After lunch, we started on the Gunslynger. This year the distances were standardized between the PCP and Springer divisions, so all targets were at 10, 25, 40 and 55 yards. This meant we could have competitors shoot both PCP and Springer if they chose to. What an incredible opportunity, think about winning both brackets and taking home $2000! I was surprised that we only had about 8 people take up the challenge of shooting both brackets. But I suppose it’s better to be a master of one skill than mediocre at two. After all, the 1/10th scale silhouettes are not kind and with the wind picking up, the challenge is far more pronounced than most anticipate. We started the springer brackets first. Right out of the gate we had some incredible match ups that came down to the last target. Nic Gregoris and Virgilio (Leo) Gonzales put on an incredible show, coming down to the last target. It doesn’t get much closer than this one, and if I hadn’t been watching myself, we would have had a shoot off. Nic and Leo sent their final shots at almost the exact same time, but Nic’s found the mark with more pop and send the target down first. It was something you had to see to believe, but it’s exactly what makes the Gunslynger so much fun and what I believe to be the only airgun spectator sport out there. As things continued, we finally whittled the field down to the last four who would shoot on Sunday for the prize money. Jerry LaRocca and Hector Medina would square off on one end of the draw and Ray Apelles and Nic Gregoris on the other.

We then started the PCP bracket, and it was amazing at how much faster the shooting went. There were some great matchups in the early rounds but two people made their presence felt early on. The first was Bill Rabbitt, runner up from last year and the other was Greg Sauve, the 2016 Gunslynger champion. I want to say that Bill finished his first round at right about a minute, it was blazing fast. And Greg was not far behind. Both looked on pace to make it to the final. But we ended the day with those two in the semi-finals, Greg up against Dan Putz and Bill shooting against Andy Burns on Sunday.

Saturday night is always fun because of the banquet held at the Elks Lodge in Midvale. It’s a nice venue and I have never seen it so packed. With many shooters bringing along their significant others. It’s a night full of good food and fellowship. The highlight of the night is always the raffle, we had scopes from Hawke and Leapers, rifles from Diana, ASG and Stoeger, and a Remington target pack. All found new homes thanks to Rossi Morreale and Kristen Coss running the raffle.
Sunday morning the shooters returned with a much more serious tone in the air. Typical of FT matches, day two is always the more serious day with the top shooters putting on their game faces to try and take the top spot. The morning was more calm but you could see some tricky winds on the trees at the berm. It was a war of attrition, with each lane representing its own skirmish, the course and elements against the shooters. There were a few shooters that managed not to break, Will Piatt and Brian Van Liew in Open PCP both stayed strong and flipped day one results to end in a tie at 97/104. A shoot off would be needed to decide the top spot in Open. Neil Younggren hung in there too with a 48 on day two to take the top spot in WFTF PCP. Greg Sauve and Bill Corder were both a few shots behind with Greg edging Bill by one to take 2nd. Nathan Thomas held off a hard charge from Steve English to take WFTF Piston by two shots. Mike Schultz brought his A game on day two, managing to climb back on day one high scorer Dennis Himes and punch his ticket with a stellar 50/52. Tom Himes also clawed back on Dennis to take 2nd place, with Dennis hanging onto 3rd. And in Hunter Piston, Paul Manktelow repeated as champ, winning the class by a whopping 6 shots.

The Gunslynger semis and finals were shot shortly after the shooters had lunch with the springers again going first. Nic Gregoris continued his winning ways pushing past Ray Apelles and Hector Medina overcame a long (and I mean really long) match with Jerry LaRocca to set up the finals and 3rd place match. In the 3rd place match between Jerry and Ray, Ray took a commanding lead. As he worked his way down to his last target, it was clear that Jerry was having some gun troubles and was likely wiped out from his long battle with Hector. Ray made a joke about helping Jerry out by shooting some of his targets, and much to my own surprise, he actually started shooting Jerry’s targets! The rules are very clear on this, and if you shoot your opponents targets, you are disqualified. Sadly, I had to make that call, which means Jerry took home 3rd place and the $250 prize. Reminds me of something my parents used to tell me at the dinner table that I would later learn applied very much to hunting, “never play with your food!” Ray was a good sport about it and I know he didn’t mean any ill will by shooting Jerry’s targets. But rules are rules. Nic and Hector squared off in the final shortly after and Nic made quick work of Hector to take home the grand prize of $1000! Absolutely fantastic shooting Nic, another feather to add to your cap of success at such a young age.

On the PCP side, both Greg and Bill made relatively quick work of Andy Burns and Dan Putz in the semis. Interestingly, Greg finished the round before Bill, which Bill verbally acknowledged as he was still shooting his semi final match. It never ceases to amaze me how much this competition can get into a shooters head. Nonetheless, the final and 3rd place matches were set. Dan and Andy put on a good show, with Dan coming out on top to claim the $250 prize. Then it was time for the main event, a repeat of the 2016 final between Bill and Greg. From the second the match started, it was clear that both shooters meant business. Bill took an early lead but missed a few shots in a row which allowed Greg to close the gap. They were working in opposite directions, with Greg shooting near to far and Bill working from the rams on in. It came down to the last target for each shooter and it looked like Greg was going to sneak away with it, but he missed his last shot on his last ram. Not one second later, Bill put a pellet into the last 10 yard chicken to snatch victory from the jaws of defeat! It was a fitting ending to the Gunsylnger and one that I am sure both shooters will hold with them until next year! And I cannot wait to see that!

But wait, there’s more! We had one more score to settle with Brian Van Liew and Will Piatt going head to head in a shoot off for the Open Class crown! We set a 1” KZ target between 35 and 40 yards (if my eyes served me correctly) and gave each shooter one shot. We started from the seated position and both shooters took the target down with ease. Then we moved to kneeling and both shooters did the same. Upon making that shot, I had both shooters take the shot standing. Brian shot first and could not knock the target over, which left Will an opening to close the door and claim the title. He took his time and finally dropped the target, taking the Open Class title. Well done to both shooters! It was a good show.

We headed back to the clubhouse for the awards presentation. This year we were doing the awards for FT a bit differently. All of the first place shooters would select a number from a hat (1-5) to determine the selection order for prizes. The shooter with the highest score, selected their number first. Then the second place shooters, and finally the third place shooters. It was interesting to watch how it all shook out. Nathan Thomas, winner of the WFTF Piston class, drew number 1 giving him first selection, and as expected, he selected the FWB 800 FT Basic. The prizes included a case of JSB pellets, an Ataman M2R Carbine, an Air Arms S510, a Hawke Sidewinder ED scope, Umarex Gauntlet, Leapers Bubble Leveler scope, Diana 340 N-Tec Limited Edition, Diana 52, a Weihrauch HW97k, an Air Venturi 98 cu ft. tank, a Walther LGU, an AirForce Texan .308, Hatsan Bullboss and the Air Venturi V10 pistol. Once the prizes were gone, we closed the shoot and said our goodbye’s.

With another Cup in the books, I must say, it’s a truly humbling and rewarding experience every time. To have so many great shooters, airgunners and friends gathered together around something we have worked so hard to build is a gift. Everyone that has attended over the years, whether it was just for one year or you’ve been coming since the beginning, THANK YOU. The Cup is ever evolving and we are already working on making number five bigger and better. So from all of us here at Pyramyd Air that make the Cup happen, we invite you to come shoot with us in 2018. You may not go home a winner in your class, but I can guarantee you will learn a few things, meet some great people and enjoy some excellent airgun shooting. And if you need more reason than that, I can’t help ya!
See ya next year!
-Tyler Patner

Hunter PCP | Day 1 /52 | Day 2 /52 | Total /104 | |
Mike | Schultz | 43 | 50 | 93 |
Thomas | Himes | 46 | 46 | 92 |
Dennis | Himes | 43 | 46 | 89 |
Jeff | Little | 41 | 41 | 82 |
Bill | Day | 39 | 40 | 79 |
Tim | Baylor | 40 | 39 | 79 |
Douglas | Rogers | 38 | 34 | 72 |
Tom | Miller | 35 | 36 | 71 |
Andrew | Burns | 38 | 33 | 71 |
Greg | Vaughan | 32 | 39 | 71 |
Robert | Felton | 34 | 36 | 70 |
Phil | Eakley | 31 | 38 | 69 |
Sean | McDaniel | 29 | 39 | 68 |
Camden | Meyer | 33 | 35 | 68 |
Shawn | Pragle | 32 | 35 | 67 |
Betsy | Dunlap | 29 | 36 | 65 |
Ted | Andro | 30 | 33 | 63 |
Chad | Kentner | 23 | 40 | 63 |
Michael | Clark | 24 | 36 | 60 |
Doug | Dunlap | 28 | 29 | 57 |
Joe | Tricomi | 22 | 34 | 56 |
Sue | Tenney | 25 | 29 | 54 |
Justin | Long | 18 | 35 | 53 |
wally | miller | 24 | 27 | 51 |
John | Marciniak | 26 | 24 | 50 |
Darrell | Payne | 23 | 24 | 47 |
Doug | Johnson | 26 | 20 | 46 |
Ken | Burley | 22 | 24 | 46 |
Chuck | Payne | 16 | 24 | 40 |
Dennis | Baker | 18 | 22 | 40 |
LYNN | HECKAMAN | 17 | 23 | 40 |
Natalie | Putz | 18 | 20 | 38 |
Bill | Duranti | 27 | 8 | 35 |
Pat | Scott | 15 | 20 | 35 |
Ed | Wood | 8 | 24 | 32 |
Mickey | Webster | 15 | 12 | 27 |
Rossi | Morreale | 0 | 22 | 22 |
Ronald | Ours | 14 | 0 | 14 |
Kyle | Settle | 6 | 0 | 6 |

Open PCP | * Decided via Shootoff | Day 1 /52 | Day 2 /52 | Total /104 |
Will | Piatt | 48 | 49 | 97* |
Brian | Van Liew | 47 | 50 | 97* |
Gary | Palinkas | 44 | 48 | 92 |
Manuel | Gonzalez Delgado | 42 | 45 | 87 |
Micheal | Harris | 42 | 43 | 85 |
Paul | Porch | 41 | 43 | 84 |
Chris | Corey | 40 | 43 | 83 |
Mike | Norris | 41 | 41 | 82 |
Skip | Tenney | 40 | 40 | 80 |
Nicolas | Gregoris | 32 | 41 | 73 |
Roger | Barker | 34 | 38 | 72 |
Dennis | Todd | 36 | 32 | 68 |
Albert | Otter | 27 | 37 | 64 |
Joseph | Snyder | 32 | 23 | 55 |
Brian | Vargo | 24 | 26 | 50 |
Dave | Hitchcock | 24 | 25 | 49 |
Kevin | Snyder | 22 | 22 | 44 |
Robert | Brown | 20 | 13 | 33 |

WFTF PCP | Day 1 /52 | Day 2 /52 | Total /104 | |
Neil | Younggren | 47 | 48 | 95 |
Greg | Sauve | 44 | 49 | 93 |
Bill | Corder | 45 | 47 | 92 |
David | Slade | 47 | 43 | 90 |
Tom | Holland | 43 | 47 | 90 |
Ron | Brown | 46 | 43 | 89 |
Brian | Vandenboom | 43 | 44 | 87 |
Peter | Brooks | 40 | 47 | 87 |
Bill | Rabbitt | 42 | 38 | 80 |
Mike | Niksch | 40 | 39 | 79 |
Rob | Seiden | 36 | 42 | 78 |
Waldemar | Goldis | 37 | 40 | 77 |
Bruce | Scott | 36 | 41 | 77 |
Ryan | Parks | 41 | 36 | 77 |
Ron | Carlson | 28 | 36 | 64 |

Hunter Piston | Day 1 /52 | Day 2 /52 | Total /104 | |
Paul | Manktelow | 37 | 29 | 66 |
Eric | Brewer | 26 | 34 | 60 |
Jim | Cyran | 33 | 25 | 58 |
David | Kokai | 26 | 28 | 54 |
Eric | Jones | 19 | 34 | 53 |
Michael | Finchum | 19 | 28 | 47 |
Daniel | Putz | 14 | 25 | 39 |
Chao-Hsien | Lee | 16 | 12 | 28 |
Gavin | Lever | 13 | 12 | 25 |
yvonne | hseih | 8 | 12 | 20 |
Reid | Saul | 2 | 0 | 2 |

WFTF Piston | Day 1 /52 | Day 2 /52 | Total /104 | |
Nathan | Thomas | 40 | 42 | 82 |
Steve | English | 39 | 41 | 80 |
Raymond | Apelles | 36 | 42 | 78 |
Virgilio | Gonzales | 37 | 40 | 77 |
Matt | Sawyer | 30 | 43 | 77 |
Manuel | Morales | 35 | 40 | 75 |
Jeff | Paddock | 36 | 35 | 71 |
Jerry | LaRocca | 31 | 34 | 65 |
Tinh | Nguyen | 31 | 26 | 57 |
Pedro | Abreu | 22 | 33 | 55 |
Open Piston | Day 1 /52 | Day 2 /52 | Total /104 | |
Hector J | Medina Gomez | 30 | 36 | 66 |
Freestyle PCP | Day 1 /52 | Day 2 /52 | Total /104 | |
Hans | Apelles | 19 | 40 | 59 |
Freestyle Piston | Day 1 /52 | Day 2 /52 | Total /104 | |
Ming | Qian | 31 | 26 | 57 |
Gunslynger results:
Equipment List
Hans | Apelles | FreeStyle | PCP | Crosman 1720 rifle | 0.177 | Leupold Comp 35 | AA 8.4gr |
Sue | Tenney | Hunter | PCP | Daystate Regal | 0.177 | Hawke 3-12 | Kodak |
Sean | McDaniel | Hunter | PCP | FX Streamline | 0.177 | Hawke Airmax 6-32 | JSB 8.4 |
Doug | Johnson | Hunter | PCP | Benjamin Marauder | 0.177 | Aeon | JSB 10.3 |
Ronald | Ours | Hunter | PCP | Air Arms 400 SL | 0.177 | Aeon 4-16×40 | Crosman cph |
Bill | Duranti | Hunter | PCP | Air Arms S400-SL | 0.177 | Nikko Stirling Nighteater LRX | CPH .177cal./10.5gr. |
Shawn | Pragle | Hunter | PCP | Benjamin Marauder | 0.177 | Aeon 8x32x50 | JSB 10.34 |
Robert | Felton | Hunter | PCP | Air Arms S 500 | 0.177 | Nikko Stirling Nighteater 4-16 | JSB 10.3 gr heavies |
Tom | Miller | Hunter | PCP | Air Arms S 500 | 0.177 | Clearridge | 10.5 gr. CPH boxed |
Mickey | Webster | Hunter | PCP | Air Arms S510-TC | 0.177 | 4.5x14x52 | 10.6 gr |
Ken | Burley | Hunter | PCP | Crosman Challenger | 0.177 | Leapers 10×50 | Air Arms 8.4 |
Darrell | Payne | Hunter | PCP | Weihrauch HW 100 | 0.177 | UTG 4-16x | JSB Exact Heavy |
Chuck | Payne | Hunter | PCP | BSA Scorpion SE | 0.177 | UTG 3-12x | JSB exact Heavy |
Kyle | Settle | Hunter | PCP | Benjamin Maximus | 0.177 | CP 3-9x | Crosman Premier |
Andrew | Burns | Hunter | PCP | RAW TM1000 | 0.177 | Sightron 10-50×60 | JSB 10.3 |
Bill | Day | Hunter | PCP | Thomas | 0.177 | Sightron lll FT | JSB 13.43 |
wally | miller | Hunter | PCP | marauder | 0.177 | Hawke 4-12 | jsb |
Dennis | Baker | Hunter | PCP | Daystate Wolverine | 0.177 | Hawke Sidewinder | JSB 8.44 |
Natalie | Putz | Hunter | PCP | Crosman 1720T <12FPE | 0.177 | Athlon Talos 3-12 | H&N Sniper Medium |
LYNN | HECKAMAN | Hunter | PCP | Talon SS | 0.177 | Airforce 4-16×50 | JSB Exact 7.33 |
Betsy | Dunlap | Hunter | PCP | Maurader | 0.177 | hawke sidwinder 40-16X50 | JSB 10.34gr |
Doug | Dunlap | Hunter | PCP | FX Royal 400 | 0.22 | Hawke Air Max 4-32X50 | JSB 15.89gr |
Greg | Vaughan | Hunter | PCP | FX-400 | 0.22 | Hawke 4-16x | JSB 18.1 |
Rossi | Morreale | Hunter | PCP | Umarex Gauntlet | 0.22 | hawke Sidewinder ED | JSB |
Phil | Eakley | Hunter | PCP | RAW TM1000 | 0.177 | Hawke ED 10-50 | JSB 13.43 |
Douglas | Rogers | Hunter | PCP | weihrauch HW 100 | 0.177 | Hawke 10-50×60 | JSB 10.3 |
Ted | Andro | Hunter | PCP | benjamin marauder | 0.177 | hawke 4-16×50 sidewinder | jsb 10.34 |
Mike | Schultz | Hunter | PCP | Thomas Carbine | 0.177 | Hawke 8-32×50 | 13.4 gr |
Camden | Meyer | Hunter | PCP | Benjamin Marauder | 0.177 | Airmax 30 8-32×50 | Air Arms Field Heavy 10.34gr |
Michael | Clark | Hunter | PCP | HW100 | 0.177 | Hawke SW 8-24 | JSB 10.3 |
Dennis | Himes | Hunter | PCP | Daystate mct | 0.177 | Hawke sidewinder 4-16 | JSB 10.3 |
Thomas | Himes | Hunter | PCP | Daystate Air Wolfe MCT | 0.177 | Hawke ED | Air Arms 10.3 |
Tim | Baylor | Hunter | PCP | Steyr LG110 | 0.177 | Hawke Sidewinder 4 x 16 | JSB 10.3 |
Justin | Long | Hunter | PCP | Benjamin marauder | 0.177 | UTG swat 3-12×44 | JSB 10.34 |
Joe | Tricomi | Hunter | PCP | benjamin maurder | 0.22 | hawke 4-16×44 | Jsb 18.13 |
John | Marciniak | Hunter | PCP | Condor SS | 0.22 | 3-12 | JSB 18.13 |
Jeff | Little | Hunter | PCP | AA S510 | 0.177 | Hawke 4-16 | JSB 10.3 |
Chad | Kentner | hunter | pcp | fx400 | 0.177 | aztek 4-20 | JSB 10.3 |
Ed | Wood | hunter | pcp | kral | 0.177 | Kral Puncher Mega | H&N 10.65 |
Pat | Scott | Hunter | PCP | Hatsan AT 44 | 0.22 | Muller 8-32 | AA Falcon 13.43 |
Skip | Tenney | Open | PCP | Steyr (I hope) LG110 | 0.177 | Sightron 10-50 | JSB Monster |
Mike | Norris | Open | PCP | Steyr Challenge | 0.177 | Sightron Slll ft | AA 10.3 |
Paul | Porch | Open | PCP | Steyr LG110FT | 0.177 | Sightron 10-50×60 FTIRMOA 2 | AA 10.35 |
Brian | Van Liew | Open | PCP | FX400 FT | 0.177 | Nikko Stirling Diamond 10-50x60mm | AA 10.3 |
Joseph | Snyder | Open | PCP | Anschutz 2025 | 0.177 | MTC Viper 4-16×50 | Air Arms 10.3gr |
Will | Piatt | Open | PCP | Steyr LG110 | 0.177 | Sightron 1050 FT | AA 10.34 |
Brian | Vargo | Open | PCP | Kalibrgun Cricket | 0.22 | AEON 6X24 | JSB or Airarms |
Robert | Brown | Open | PCP | Air Arms FTP 900 | 0.177 | Hawke Sidewinder 30 6-24×56 | H&N Field Target Trophy Power 8.8 |
Kevin | Snyder | Open | PCP | FX Whisper T12 | 0.177 | UTG 4-16×50 | Air Arms 10.3gr |
Manuel | Gonzalez Delgado | Open | PCP | MGD Custom | 0.177 | Leopul Competition 35×45 | Jsb 10.34 |
Roger | Barker | Open | PCP | AA Pro Target | 0.177 | Sightron 10-50X60 | AA 10.3 gr |
Chris | Corey | Open | PCP | Steyr LG110 | 0.177 | March X 8-80 | JSB 13.4 |
Nicolas | Gregoris | Open | PCP | Air Arms S300 | 0.177 | Hawke Airmax 8-32×56 | AA 10.34 |
Dennis | Todd | Open | PCP | Steyr LG 110 | 0.177 | Sightron III | JSB 13.4 |
Micheal | Harris | Open | PCP | Styer lg110 | 0.2 | Sightron | Jsb |
Albert | Otter | Open | PCP | Usft 16 | 0.177 | March | Premier 10 5 |
Gary | Palinkas | Open | PCP | RAW HM1000 | 0.177 | Hawke 30sf 6-24×50 | JSB 10.34 |
Dave | Hitchcock | Open | PCP | FTP 900 | 0.177 | Hawke 10-50 | JSB 8.4 |
Brian | Vandenboom | WFTF | PCP | Steyr LG110BV | 0.177 | Sightron SIII 10-50×60 | JSB 7.87 |
David | Slade | WFTF | PCP | Steyr LG110 | 0.177 | Nikko 10-50 | JSB 8.4 |
Waldemar | Goldis | WFTF | PCP | AA MPR | 0.177 | Nikko stirling | Jsb 8.4 |
Bill | Corder | WFTF | PCP | Steyr LG110FT | 0.177 | Leup 35 Competition | 7.9 jsb |
Bill | Rabbitt | WFTF | PCP | Steyr LG110 | 0.177 | Nikko Diamond | JSB 7.9 |
Ron | Brown | WFTF | PCP | Steyr LG 110 | 0.177 | Sightron 10x50x60 | AA 8.44 |
Greg | Sauve | WFTF | PCP | Thomas carbine | 0.177 | MarchX | JSB 8.4 |
Bruce | Scott | WFTF | PCP | Air Arms EV2 | 0.177 | Nikko Diamond 10-50 x 60 | AA 7.87 |
Peter | Brooks | WFTF | PCP | Thomas | 0.177 | Sightron | JSB Exact |
Mike | Niksch | WFTF | PCP | Thomas FT Carbine | 0.177 | Leupold Comp 35x | Jsb 8.44 |
Ryan | Parks | WFTF | PCP | Steyr LG110 | 0.177 | Hawke 50x | JSB 8.44 |
Tom | Holland | WFTF | PCP | Benjamin Marauder. | 0.177 | Sightron Slll | H&N Sniper Medium 8.5 grain |
Neil | Younggren | WFTF | PCP | Steyr LG100 | 0.177 | BSA 10-50 | JSB 8.4 |
Ron | Carlson | WFTF | PCP | TM1000 | 0.177 | BSA 10-50 | JSB 8.4 |
Rob | Seiden | WFTF | PCP | Steyr | 0.177 | Vortex 15-60 | AA 8.4 |
Ming | Qian | FreeStyle | Piston | Beeman HW97K | 0.2 | Leapers | HN |
Paul | Manktelow | Hunter | Piston | Air Arms TX200 | 0.177 | Hawke | H&N sniper medium |
Michael | Finchum | Hunter | Piston | HW 97 | 0.177 | Optisan Viper | CPL 7.9 |
David | Kokai | Hunter | Piston | AA TX200 MK3 | 0.177 | UTG 4-16×56 | AA Diabolo FH |
Reid | Saul | Hunter | Piston | Stoeger ATAC | 0.177 | Aeon | Benjamin .177 |
Jim | Cyran | Hunter | Piston | Air Arms TX200 | 0.177 | Optisan Viper 6-24 | AA 7.9 |
Daniel | Putz | Hunter | Piston | HW97 | 0.177 | Athlon 4-14×44 FFP | H&N FTT |
Chao-Hsien | Lee | Hunter | Piston | Diana RWS 54 | 0.22 | UTG 3×12 | |
Eric | Jones | Hunter | Piston | Diana 54 | 0.177 | Hawke 8-32×50 | Air Arms 10.3gr 4.52mm |
Gavin | Lever | Hunter | Piston | rws 48 | 0.177 | Tech Force 4-12×40 | H&N Baracuda |
Eric | Brewer | Hunter | Piston | Walther LGU | 0.177 | Sightings 10-50 | JSB |
yvonne | hseih | Hunter | Piston | ruger airmagnum | 0.22 | leapers | |
Hector J | Medina Gomez | Open | Piston | Diana Mod. 54 | 0.2 | AEON 8-32X50 | JSB 13.7 grs |
Manuel | Morales | WFTF | Piston | AA TX200 | 0.177 | Sightron | jsb 7.9 |
Pedro | Abreu | WFTF | Piston | Weihrauch HW 97 | 0.177 | Sigthron SIII 10-50X60 | Jsb 7.87 |
Jerry | LaRocca | WFTF | Piston | TX200 MK ll | 0.177 | Bushnell 8-32×40 | AA 8.4 |
Nathan | Thomas | WFTF | Piston | Walther LGU | 0.177 | Sightron SIII MOA-H 10-50X60 | AA 8.4 |
Steve | English | WFTF | Piston | HW97K | 0.177 | Sightron 10-50×60 | JSB Diablo Exact 8.44 |
Jeff | Paddock | WFTF | Piston | HW97 | 0.177 | Leupold Competition 35X | CPL 7.9 |
Virgilio | Gonzales | WFTF | Piston | Walther LGU | 0.177 | Sighthron 10-50×60 | AADF 8.4 grain |
Raymond | Apelles | WFTF | Piston | Diana 54 Bullpup | 0.177 | March FX5-40 | AAA 8.4gr |
Matt | Sawyer | WFTF | Piston | Diana 54 | 0.177 | Sightrron 10-50×60 | AA 7.87 |
Tinh | Nguyen | WFTF | Piston | RWS 54 | 0.177 | Sightron 10-50 | JSB 8.4 |